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Get up to $10 off your first purchase. 50% voucher: 45yc8C

Sell with WholesaleStuffs

Looking for a nice marketplace to park your items? Now you can! Link back from our platform and make our customers your customers too! It doesn’t matter where you are selling your items from. Lazada, Shopee, or your own store. You can now send a link back to your own store from our platform.

Product Posting Guidelines

  • Only actual images of products – It can be decorated, in a packaging box or independant. However, there will be no Taobao like images. Do not use digitally created images or AI type profile pictures.
  • Descriptive photos can be posted as secondary images – Need to educate customers, you can post descriptive photos in Descriptions or add them as secondary photos.
  • Linkbacks need to point to actual listings – Link backs need to be sent to actual listings where customers can purchase directly. No pointing to blogposts, livestreams, or website pages.
  • DO NOT SEO – Label your items appropriately. DO NOT attempt to spam keywords into titles or description. Moderators will remove errand sellers from platforms.
  • 1 Item per Listing – Unless item consists of closely related variations eg: colors, sizes. Do not lump all products into a single listing and sell them as bulk.

How to sell?

Interested Sellers can register for their account here. You will need an account on Wholesalestuffs before registering as a seller.

Check to register account as a vendor.

Go to seller dashboard and update your store information.

Create your first product to start selling.

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